Coming to terms with an Early Onset Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

How has my diagnosis affected me? On a personal level, quite a bit. My father always worried that he would develop it the same way his mother did and that imprinted on me somewhat. My Dad started to decline and the familial aspect that I may have this on my horizon was more present. In… Continue reading Coming to terms with an Early Onset Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

My Experience with Dian-tu’s DIAN-001 E2814 and Lecanemab Combination therapy trial

Retrospective – 2023 the year that flew by. I started my drug trial in April last year and I did not know what to expect. When I started this online diary I was going to be doing so in real time but it’s not panned out that way and probably for the best. When talking… Continue reading My Experience with Dian-tu’s DIAN-001 E2814 and Lecanemab Combination therapy trial